Celebrating 10 Years as a Microsoft MVP!

Back from my vacation, I am thrilled to share that I have been awarded the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) award for the 10th consecutive year. In addition to being recognized as an expert within Teams, I am have also been recognized as an expert with Microsoft Copilot. This means a lot to me.  Being an MVP has been an incredibly rewarding journey, both personally and professionally. It has provided me with countless opportunities to grow, learn, and connect with like-minded professionals who share a passion for technology and innovation.  The award is not just a title; it's a testament to the hard work, dedication, and contributions to the tech community. It's a privilege to be part of such an esteemed group of individuals who share the same love for technology, and sharing their knowledge about it.  As I reflect on the past decade, I am thankful for the experiences and knowledge I've gained. This recognition motivates me to continue sharing my expertise, mentor

More virtaul stuff

But this time it's more of a maintanance thing.
Do have a problem with ever growing virtual disks, even if you delete files from within the VM?
Here's a tip for you (what I'v just done to save som space):
  1. Run cleanmgr.exe from command prompt, and clean out all you want (I reccomend NOT to compress, as this often really slows down your computer). And be sure to remove all system restores (If you haven't been smart to disable it all to gether. SR is a disk hogger)
  2. Download the SDelete tool from sysinternals (Found on: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb897443.aspx)
  3. Run SDelete -c -s -z within the machine (This will relly clean up your "empty" space)
  4. Shut down the VM, and run the VHD Wizard and select "compress"
This is of course not a one time job, and should be done on a regular basis if you're running out of disk space. But it'll be a while untill I have to do it again. I just cleaned up two machines, and saved 15 GIG of space on my laptop :)