Email OTP Verification coming to Teams Meetings

Microsoft introducing a new security feature in Teams that will enable enforcements of Email OTP verification for meetings. This new policy, "Anonymous users can join a meeting after verifying," will be available in the Teams Admin Center for all organizations. This feature is available only for meetings created by organizers with a Teams Premium license. The feature is in public preview, but should be rolling out in GA any time soon. The update will roll out automatically. Admins should consider to update the new meeting policy setting from “By e-mail code” to “No” by mid-February if they wish to continue blocking all unverified users (If "No" is the current setting). The policy is described in this article .

Remote control through firewall

I don't know about you guys, but I help a lot of friends and family whenever computerproblems araise. And recently I had to help my mother-in-law get her new laptop on the wireless network I installed previously. I though it would be a simple thing, but I guess I was wrong.....

It is really hard to help out someone when you can't see the screen and messages that appear, and I was despearte to find a way to remote control her laptop. After looking around I came across this neat software from TeamViewer ( It is free for non-comercial use, and worked across firewall and NAT's. All I had to do was to get her to plug into the LAN and download the software. The best part about the version I found, is that it runs without installing. You just need the .exe file somewhere on you disk.