A long way to go.... part 3
I had my third session at the voicerack yesterday.
Starting up in the middle of the workbook usually include some previous tasks. But every module include a short list of which of the previous modules you need to complete before starting your current module. Since I am in the middle of Call Manager related configurations I had to run through all the basic tasks of VLAN, DHCP, NTP and basic CCM initialization.
I think it is a good thing to repeat these basic tasks as often as possible. Not because I don't know how to do it, but I need to practice precision and speed before I consider taking the real LAB.
Here is a quick rundown of the tasks I focused on yesterday:
- H323 GW
No big surprises, but they used a few commands and settings I wasn't familiar with
Same as h323 GW. Nothing really new, but some minor settings I do not use in real life. I need to go through the settings and analyse them.
- IP to IP GW
Not something I am used to, I need to do some reading on the subject. There was also an example on transcoding codecs between dial-peers
- Hunting
One task on CUCM on task on CME, not difficult at all, just read the requirements.
- Route Lists and Rout Groups
Nothing big, just make sure you read and understand the tasks, before you start design your RL/RG setup.
- Partitions and calling searchspaces
An easy task, just follow the instructions.
- Call routing (Or: Route patterns)
Simple task, just understand the requirements (read the fine print)
- Advanced routing
Simple implementation of CMC and FAC. Not something I usually do for customers, but nice to know how. You also have to make use of timeing restrictions on partitions. (If you fail to implement timezones correct... you might fail this one ;)
That is all for now :)