Custom Engine Agents in Microsoft 365 Copilot

Agents in BizChat has been available for some time already, but now there is an upcoming update to Agents. The introduction of “ custom engine agents ” in Microsoft 365 Copilot! These specialized agents can be built on any large language model (LLM), toolchain, or orchestration tool, tailored specifically for your domain or tenant workflows. Initially supported in Microsoft Teams, this feature will soon be available in Microsoft 365 Copilot Business Chat ( BizChat ).   The introduction of Custom engine agents enables your organization to create customized experiences using your own AI systems and orchestrators. You can design unique prompts, connect to any LLM, and integrate these custom agents with Microsoft 365 Copilot. After the rollout, users will be able to access these agents, provided they are enabled and deployed in the Microsoft 365 admin center under the Copilot tab.   You can read more about the feature on this page . Eligible users can create agents using Micros...

What to do when AD phone property is formatted wrong.

In my previous post, I just showed you how to search for a security group in AD, and set cs-user properties based on the selection of users.

My script is based on these users having 100% correct formatted phone attribute in Active Directory. But as some of you already know, that might not be the case. Some have formatted their phone numbers with spaces like this: +47 22 22 22 22, some might have used other characters like this +1 (454) 123 4567 and others might not have the proper E.164 international formatting and have left out their international code: (202) 123 4567.

Fear not, I will tell you how to handle this (as long as they all have the same "error" in their syntax).

If you look at the following command:

Get-ADGroup -Identity TestGroup | Get-ADGroupMember -verbose | foreach {get-csaduser -identity $_.Name | foreach {
$sipit = $
$sipit = "tel:" + $sipit
Set-CsUser -Identity $_.Name -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled $true -LineURI $sipit -PassThru | Grant-CsClientPolicy -PolicyName restrict}}

You can see we grab the "phone" attribute and populate it into a variable I have called $sipit. Then I add the "tel:" to the already existing $sipit variable. After this, the output of $sipit is "tel:-whateverwasinthephoneattrib". If the phone attrib is wrongly formatted, we need to alter this before we add the "tel:". We can do this using the -replace command. And I will sow you two examples of how to do this.


Get-ADGroup -Identity $groupfetch | Get-ADGroupMember -verbose | foreach {get-csaduser -identity $_.Name | foreach {
$sipit = $
## Next line will remover anythin in the string that is not a number (including +, spaces, () and more)
$sipit = $sipit -rplace "[^0-9]"
## Next line is slightly modified to add the + back into the phone number
$sipit = "tel:+" + $sipit
Set-CsUser -Identity $_.Name -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled $true -LineURI $sipit -PassThru | Grant-CsClientPolicy -PolicyName restrict}}

Given the command above you would take a number like this +1 (234) 567 8900, or this: +1 234 5678900 and turn them into the correct lineURI format tel:+12345678900.

Just as an example, I'll show how to add the national prefix if this is not present in the AD property:

Get-ADGroup -Identity $groupfetch | Get-ADGroupMember -verbose | foreach {get-csaduser -identity $_.Name | foreach {
$sipit = $
## Next line will remover anythin in the string that is not a number (including +, spaces, () and more)
$sipit = $sipit -rplace "[^0-9]"
## Next line is slightly modified to add the + and the international prefix into the phone number
## I used the North American code +1 in the example. You use whatever you need to in your deployment.
$sipit = "tel:+1" + $sipit
Set-CsUser -Identity $_.Name -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled $true -LineURI $sipit -PassThru | Grant-CsClientPolicy -PolicyName restrict}}

Quite simple, and a very quick way to enable telephony for your users. have fun labbing, and please let me know what you think about these posts.

If you need more power shell commands for Lync, I can really recommend the Lync Powershell Blog  They have a great collection of examples.