Email OTP Verification coming to Teams Meetings

Microsoft introducing a new security feature in Teams that will enable enforcements of Email OTP verification for meetings. This new policy, "Anonymous users can join a meeting after verifying," will be available in the Teams Admin Center for all organizations. This feature is available only for meetings created by organizers with a Teams Premium license. The feature is in public preview, but should be rolling out in GA any time soon. The update will roll out automatically. Admins should consider to update the new meeting policy setting from “By e-mail code” to “No” by mid-February if they wish to continue blocking all unverified users (If "No" is the current setting). The policy is described in this article .

Introducing the Norwegian User Group for Unified Communications

Welcome all to the newly created MUCUGN for all Unified Communications Enthusiasts!

This is a new User Group for Lync and Exchange enthusiast in Norway, of which I am proud of being part of starting up with a group of highly competent peers.

  • The group will hold its meetings virtually, using the technology we are all here for, and you can join from where ever you are. As long as you have a supported client (Native Lync client or a compatible web browser)
  • The group is available for all enthusiasts. You don't have to have a deep technical knowledge, just the passion for UC
    • There will be technical presentations and end-user presentations, ranging from deep-dives into deployments and troubleshooting, to how-to make the most out of you client's features.
    • Topics will be driven by your feedback and wishes. We will listen to your wishes, and have a poll of topics before events.
  • Our first event will feature a joint topic of both Lync and Exchange
    • Following events will be split into Lync or Exchange events
    • These product events will each be held 3 months apart (effectively holing a session every month and a half) 
  • The group is open for suggestions on format, timing, topics and more
So, welcome all fellow Norwegian UC enthusiasts, to our group. I hope to see you there!