Copilot in Outlook: Prioritize my inbox

Microsoft is releasing a new feature for Copilot in Outlook: "Prioritize my inbox by Copilot". The feature can go through your inbox and analyse the content for you. it will then mark them as high and low priority and help you focus on the tasks that are important to you. When the feature rolls out, it will be implemented as an opt-in feature for users, and it will be a "limited seating" until there is enough capacity for all within the organization. When available and enabled, there will be ways to tell Copilot what is important to you. You can read more about this on the support pages for the feature. A couple of notes: It will only prioritize in your main inbox (Not subfolders) It will not work on shared mailboxes or groups This feature is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 411302  and will start rolling out in April 2025

How to locate users without the EXT in line uri and add it to them

Sometimes added users do not get their EXT set in their LineURI as they should, and it can be a frustrating to locate these users and to edit the lineURI to the proper format.

Fortunately, we have powershell for those kind of jobs. The following example will locate any csuser with a lineURI but without the extension set. Then add the extension to the lineURI and save the configuration.
$extSet = Get-CsUser -filter {lineuri -notlike "*ext*" -and lineuri -ne $null}
foreach ($user in $extSet){
$myURI = $user.lineuri
$myURI = $myURI + ";ext=" + $myURI.substring($myURI.length - "4") 
set-csUser -Identity $user.displayname -LineUri $myURI -verbose}

The example above will add the extension of 4. Edit this as fit for your environment.
I will add this example to the PsCommands sections as well