This fall has been really busy, and it isn't over yet!
As I am writing this post, we are less than one week away from the first Norwegian Lync Day, where I will hold a presentation on Lync backup and restore. Ståle Hansen and Knowledge Factory has done a great job to gather highly qualified MVP's and speakers for a day packed with great sessions around our favorite topic: Lync! For more information and/or signup, go to:
When Lyncday is over, it will be just two more weeks until most of us head for Barcelona, and TechedEU. Here I'll be holding a similar presentation around the same topic (
Backup and restore /
As a preparation for these to presentations I have gone over my backup script for Lync 2013, and I am planning a major release change with a few new options and a couple of bugfixes. If you do have a bug you want to report in the existing version or have a suggestion for a new feature. Please drop me a line. It's not to late to get your request included.
Here's a sneak peak on some upcoming changes:
- FEATURE REQUEST: Remove "temp" files after zip creation, to save space (note: Script will still clean files in target directory, older than 5 years)
- FEATURE REQUEST: Identify RGS servers on 2010 pools, and remove error messages related
- FEATURE REQUEST: Identify User servers on 2010 pools, and remove error messages related
- New feature: Added progress bar, to indicate progress within the script
- Bugfix/New feature: Multiple pools could lead to "file already exist", Script should store pool files in designated pool folders
- Bugfix: If SQL backupshare already exists, it is now detected and should no longer be causing errors
I won't be able to publish for Lyncday, but it will be out in time for TechedEU