Join Teams work meetings from Microsoft Teams (free) and vice versa

Microsoft Teams (Free) users can currently join Teams for work (or school) meetings only as guests, which requires them to use a browser and results in a sub-optimal experience. The new feature rolling out will allow these users to join Teams for work (or school) meetings in one click, without being redirected to the browser or asked to fill in their name/surname. They will also be able to continue collaborating with the meeting organizer and other participants via meeting chat after the meeting.  The feature will work in the opposite way as well, so Teams for work (or school) will just as easily be able to join meetings hosted by a Teams Free user with one click. This is associated with Roadmap ID: 167326

Lync 2013 and Skype Video calling

For true fans of true universal communications, Christmas came early this year!
Microsoft announced the availability of Lync to Skype video calling.
And this is what it is all about, the availability of this icon, the video call button:

And what comes next? A nice video (no one in the other room :P )

In this screenshot I am on a Skype client, and the other side is on a Lync 2013 klient.

This is one of the really anticipated updates, and it gives "universal communications" a real feel. With Lync to Skype federation enabled, your Lync 2013 users can now potentially reach millions of users, and have high quality conversations.

Enough promo, what does it take to make it work? Surprisingly little. If you already have the Skype IM/P-Audio federation set up, you are good to go. All it takes are up to date clients (Skype and October Lync client CU).
If you haven't enabled Lync to Skype Federation, follow the simple steps outlined in this guide.

A note to end users: It only works on Skype for Windows desktop at the moment (no mobile devices just yet). And I discovered you have to get the latest version from this site to make it work (an update check within my original Skype client did not upgrade to this version, but it will soon, probably).

It will work on Lync 2013 Desktop client and iOS devices.

Happy video calling!
