Prepare for: Multiple account access to Copilot in Microsoft 365

There is a new (As of January 30, 2025) policy setting is available in Cloud Policy, which will enable multiple account access to Copilot in Microsoft 365 desktop and mobile apps, allowing users to utilize Copilot across different signed-in accounts.  The feature itself will allow a user to use a fully licensed Copilot feature from one tenant on "any" document available to them in a tenant they have access to. No matter if the user has Copilot in any of the other tenants. The feature will be rolled out globally from early March 2025 and is expected to be completed by late March 2025, but organizations might want to look into this policy and understand how it may or may not impact their existing security policies. I recommend reading up on the following article , where details about what the user can access in different scenarios are described. Here are some of the things to take into consideration:  Copilot's data protection is based on the identity used to access the fil...

A couple of favorite news about the world of Teams - Week 20

Unless you disconnected yourself from the Internet last week, you probably already heard my first item this week. A much awaited "Direct Routing for Teams" has now been released for public preview. So if you have a certified SBC, a O365 tenant and PSTN infrastructure in your environment, it's time to sign up to if you want to test PSTN in Teams and can't make use of Microsoft's own offerings. Guides available from Audicodes and Ribbon

Also rolling out as of last week, are a set of new meeting policies for a more granular control. here are some of the new policies available:

  1.  Allow Channel Meeting Scheduling (MeetingPolicy)
  2.  Allow Private Meeting Scheduling (MeetingPolicy)
  3.  Allow channel ad-hoc meet ups (MeetingPolicy)
  4.  Enable Screen Sharing (MeetingPolicy)
  5.  Allow IP Video (MeetingPolicy)
  6.  Allow Anonymous Users to Dial Out (MeetingPolicy)
  7.  Recording Policy implementation
There is an update to retention polices, ensuring that new code is rolled out to clients that will prune data older than 30 days. Then the min value for retention is also 30 days.

The list of great keyboard shortcuts keep getting longer and better. For a comprehensive look, check out the official documentation for both PC and Mac

This is a big one, I personally am really looking forward to see it in real action. Say hello to the Surface Hub 2