Upcoming Enhancements to Microsoft Teams Meeting Chat Controls

There are many kinds of meetings, and Teams is a great tool to have virtual meetings in. As an example, it is possible to get to the chat of the meeting and start the discussion up front or continue the discussions or ask follow up questions after the meeting is over.  But sometimes, there are scenarios where organizer would want to keep the chat closed for comments outside of the meeting timeframe. And here is a new feature coming our way, to control exactly that behavior. The Teams admin center will soon allow setting up policies that will enhance your control over meeting chats. These new options are designed to give administrators more flexibility in managing how and when participants can interact via chat during meetings. These options will be available across all platforms, including Teams for Windows and Mac desktops, Teams on the web, and Teams for iOS/Android. This update is part of the Microsoft 365 Roadmap   If you are an admin, here is where you can find and contro...

Missing Meet URL for users of Lync Hoster Pack v2

The company I work for deployed Lync Hoster Pack v2 in the fall of 2013. At first, all things seemed fine, but after a while we received incident tickets regarding users who did not get the meet url published when creating a new meeting.

It has been a long road tring to find the root cause of this issue, especially since we at first saw no difference between the users we created where it worked, and users where it did not work. All users were deployed through the Citrix Cortex service for provisioning.

All users were provisioned correctly with Domainmap, TenentID and ObjectID. And if we moved users from one place to another it started working again.

It all turned out to be a rights issue in Active Directory. The root OU had it's correct settings, but when we deployed several resellers through the Cortex service, these reseller OU's did not inherit the rights from the parent OU. Applying the correct rights to all the sub OU's in the tree fixed the issue for all customers.

Here's a quick script to set the correct rights for hosting on all OU's in a tree:

Import-Module activedirectory
Import-Module lync
$counting = 0
$moreISH = Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -LDAPFilter '(name=*)' -SearchBase `
'ou=reseller,ou=hosting,dc=domain,dc=net'| select DistinguishedName
foreach ($ou in $moreISH){
Grant-CsOuPermission -OU $ou.DistinguishedName -Verbose -ObjectType user
$counting ++
Write-Host "Set rights on $counting OU's" -ForegroundColor Green

The commands above must be run a computer where the Active Directory and the Lync module is available.

These are the changes made by the command http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh849655(v=ocs.14).aspx