Join Teams work meetings from Microsoft Teams (free) and vice versa

Microsoft Teams (Free) users can currently join Teams for work (or school) meetings only as guests, which requires them to use a browser and results in a sub-optimal experience. The new feature rolling out will allow these users to join Teams for work (or school) meetings in one click, without being redirected to the browser or asked to fill in their name/surname. They will also be able to continue collaborating with the meeting organizer and other participants via meeting chat after the meeting.  The feature will work in the opposite way as well, so Teams for work (or school) will just as easily be able to join meetings hosted by a Teams Free user with one click. This is associated with Roadmap ID: 167326

The new Yammer in Teams has landed

The new Yammer app has landed in Teams for most tenants. Using this app Teams allows users to easily access Yammer and it's community discussions. The new app in Teams is based upon the new Yammer look, where you get a lot of the new features announced at Ignite 2019. The app can be added by admins through policies, or users may add them directly themselves.

If you have not deployed Yammer to your organization, you might want to tell users not to use this app, or hide it from the store.

To access the new app, just click the app icon at the bottom of the left rail, search for "Yammer" and the application called "Communities"

Users may discover that the app does not allow you to switch networks (yet), and they will have to switch to a browser version to do so.